Abigail began as a Success Works Candidate in October 2023 and having completed our program has now obtained employment, she and her employer continue to be supported by Success Works.
She shared with us, “I’ve always been a fighter, but the past few years have been really hard. After I served my time, I wanted to rebuild my life, but having a criminal record made everything difficult. I felt low and unworthy because of my past mistakes”.
You can read Abigail’s Story below.
Can you tell us about your attempts to gain employment?
“Prior to finding out about Success Works, applying for jobs felt impossible. I kept getting rejected, and employers wouldn’t even give me a chance. The struggle to find a job was a constant reminder of my past, making it hard to see a better future. Even though I was determined and had skills, my record made me feel stuck and hopeless”.
How did you hear about Success Works?
“After I was released, I had little hope of finding a job. I was determined to change my life, so I turned to Google for help. In October 2023, I found Success Works and signed up for their program. My goal was to build my confidence so I could get a job”.
How has Success Works helped you?
“Success Works helped me start to feel better about myself.
The program gave me the skills and support I needed to look for jobs with more confidence. I began to believe in myself again and started to see a future where my past didn’t hold me back”.
What outcomes have you been able to achieve through the Success Works Program?
“After being introduced to an employer partner, I attended an interview where I applied the skills and advice I had practiced in workshops and with my mentor.
I successfully landed the job and began working.
Now, after six months of employment, I’ve gained confidence and learned a lot of new skills. I’ve also found new housing and can support myself financially”.
What difference does having a job make to you?
“Since getting this job, I’ve been able to provide for my young son. I even bought him gifts for his 4th birthday. It feels amazing to have more freedom, confidence, and financial independence. I’m grateful for the support that helped me turn my life around”.
Success Works believes that volunteering is an enormously effective and beneficial process for women affected by the criminal justice system. We particularly acknowledge the essential and valuable contribution mentors make in providing support and empowerment to women who are committed to seeking, securing, and maintaining employment. We are currently looking for new mentors. Could you change a woman’s life?
We are currently looking for new Mentors. Could you change a woman’s life?
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