The Success Works Mentoring Program
Success Works believes that mentoring is an enormously effective and beneficial process for women affected by the criminal justice system. We acknowledge the essential and valuable contribution Mentors make in providing support and empowerment to women who are committed to seeking, securing and maintaining employment.
The Benefits To You
Success Works also recognises that mentoring has significant benefits for the Mentors. Success Works holds the belief that mentoring makes a real difference to the individuals doing the mentoring and for the communities in which we work. Mentors gain many skills including: active listening, giving feedback, empathy, relationship-building and many more. Full training is provided.
Our Model
The Mentor does this by listening deeply, sharing their experiences, asking hard questions and encouraging the mentee to tell their story as a way of affirming and making sense of their experiences.
Listen attentively and provide structure, feedback and direction, including holding the mentee accountable to real life actions.
Guide by sharing your own real life experiences regarding employment, from recruitment to resignation, making it relevant to the mentee’s situation and goals.
Encourage more positive choices and goal setting by questioning the mentee’s perceptions of self and their situation.
Inspire mentees to be clear about their rationale for decisions and their motivations and beliefs underpinning their behaviours or career goals.
Change A Woman’s Life Today
If you’d like more information about becoming a Mentor contact us today. If you are ready to apply to become a Mentor please complete the form below