Your Potential, Not Your Record      Your Potential, Not Your Record      Your Potential, Not Your Record      Your Potential, Not Your Record      Your Potential, Not Your Record      Your Potential, Not Your Record      Your Potential, Not Your Record      Your Potential, Not Your Record      Your Potential, Not Your Record      

Breaking Barriers to Employment

A criminal record does not have to be a barrier to employment. Let us set you up for success in finding a job through our mentoring program, one-on-one support, job readiness workshops and introductions to our employer partners.

Watch our video to find out more.

The Success Works program will help you to develop a pathway to self-reliance and empowerment through transitional support, professional development workshops, professional styling advice and provision of suitable clothing and mentoring both before and after securing employment. This pathway also includes introduction to employment opportunities offered through our employer partnership program. If you are recently released or you have been in the community for some time, we would like to hear from you.

For candidate enquiries contact Kylie Chambers, Candidate Support Co-Ordinator on:

0461 277 434

Join our upcoming info session to learn more about Success Works Partners and discover how we can assist you in finding employment. Click here to register

What They Say About Us

We exist to create meaningful connections between employers and candidates.

This organisation is really about helping women get back on their feet and helping them get employment generally. I just thought it was a miracle that you could book appointments and workshops and I’m just like, “oh my God somebody that I can talk to”. So, I emailed straight away and I got an email back within two hours and then a phone call from Eleni that runs the program who is just this amazing woman.

Success Works Candidate

That gave me just so much hope that I could get through this. I was feeling pretty suicidal before all of this. I’d ruined my life. In every way, I’d destroyed everything that I had worked for. My career, everything. It was the first time I actually felt I can get through this and there’ll be some help there and it’s help with just that non-judgement.

Success Works Candidate

Having Eleni having come out of the system is brilliant. You need to have somebody that you identify with. That was the thing that made me actually just really buck up and go okay, I can do this because knowing other people have done it. Success Works without that I wouldn’t be thinking like this. I would be under the blanket. I could barely get out of bed each day.

Success Works Candidate

I thought they know how I feel and that gave me the confidence to actually apply for jobs. I would have put it off until the bracelet (electronic ankle tag) came off, and then I would have been out six months and then I think my confidence would have got worse, and it would have been a bigger step to climb. So, I think for me, that whole Success Works program… that gave me the confidence.

Success Works Candidate

I am doing everything I can to move on. These barriers keep popping up and won’t allow me to move on.

Success Works Candidate

For me, the Success Works program was the first glimmer of hope where I felt I could talk to someone who understood how I was feeling and where I was at in my head. Because I didn’t know how to ask people, what are the barriers? You get a cold sentence and some guidelines from your probation officer, but that’s the justice system, they want to punish you as much as they can.

Success Works Candidate

If it hadn’t been for Eleni, no way in hell would I have applied for any work until this bracelet (electronic ankle tag) was off. So she gave me the confidence, and she’s the one that’s running Success Works. She’s the person that gave me the confidence to do it. So I’m working now because of her.

Success Works Candidate

I think going to Success Works gave me the confidence. If it hadn’t been for the fact that I thought they know how I feel and giving me the confidence to actually apply for jobs, I would have put it off until the bracelet (electronic ankle tag) came off, and then I would have been out for six months and then I think my confidence would have got worse, and it would have been a bigger step to climb. So I think for me, the whole Success Works program, that gave me the confidence.

Success Works Candidate

Your Potential, Not Your Record      Your Potential, Not Your Record      Your Potential, Not Your Record      Your Potential, Not Your Record      Your Potential, Not Your Record      Your Potential, Not Your Record      Your Potential, Not Your Record      Your Potential, Not Your Record      Your Potential, Not Your Record      

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