Your Potential, Not Your Record      Your Potential, Not Your Record      Your Potential, Not Your Record      Your Potential, Not Your Record      Your Potential, Not Your Record      Your Potential, Not Your Record      Your Potential, Not Your Record      Your Potential, Not Your Record      Your Potential, Not Your Record      

Our latest Impact Report

Success Works Partners began its service in July 2022. With two staff members and a very enthusiastic Board, we set about establishing a program that is unique in Australia. We were inspired by significant research, undertaken in Australia, which clearly pointed to a shameful situation in our community – that women with a prior criminal history generally don’t have access to labour market opportunities once released from custody. Such blatant discrimination cannot be allowed to continue for the sake of our families and communities as well as for our employment system.

Since that date, we have been in contact with several hundred women, some of whom have worked determinedly with us to improve their employability, increase their confidence and self-esteem and dare to acknowledge that their future is bright. We have developed relationships with many employers who recognise that discrimination in employment on the basis of a criminal record is no longer acceptable. Over 50 women have volunteered as Success Works mentors, supporting our candidates in so many ways into employment and continuing their support until a woman feels secure and confident in her position.

Success Works Partners is building social impact through creating positive meaningful change in the lives of female ex-offenders and challenging current systems of social and economic injustice. Thanks to support from government and philanthropists, we can support more women. We now have four staff members, all women with lived experience who, every day, challenge us as a community to do better.

Please enjoy reading our latest impact report.

Our Impact 2022-2023

Mentoring Matters

Over 50 women volunteered their time to take on the special role of being one of our volunteer mentors. These relationships have proven to be mutually beneficial.

Jobs for Women

Since becoming a social enterprise we onboarded 209 women and we have placed 77 women into employment.t.

Supporting Mothers

Success Works is currently supporting 87 single mothers, whose children are not in their care, to find employment.

Cost Effective

It costs approximately $10,000 to put one woman through our life-changing program, as compared to incarceration costs which are estimated to be $110,000 per person per annum.


Success Works staff and volunteers conducted 98 workshops which have been designed to build confidence and support women’s potential to reintegrate into society and work.

Engaged Employers

We have 20 supportive employer partners based in Sydney who share our vision of zero discrimination when employing a woman with a criminal record.


Get Involved

Help Us Transform The Lives Of Women Affected By The Criminal Justice System

Every donation you make will provide women with employability skills and empower them to present themselves to an employer who sees their skills and potential and not the criminal record.

Please make a tax-deductible donation today

Your Potential, Not Your Record      Your Potential, Not Your Record      Your Potential, Not Your Record      Your Potential, Not Your Record      Your Potential, Not Your Record      Your Potential, Not Your Record      Your Potential, Not Your Record      Your Potential, Not Your Record      Your Potential, Not Your Record      

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