Your Potential, Not Your Record      Your Potential, Not Your Record      Your Potential, Not Your Record      Your Potential, Not Your Record      Your Potential, Not Your Record      Your Potential, Not Your Record      Your Potential, Not Your Record      Your Potential, Not Your Record      Your Potential, Not Your Record      

Breaking Barriers to Employment

A criminal record does not have to be a barrier to employment. Let us set you up for success in finding a job through our mentoring program, one-on-one support, job readiness workshops and introductions to our employer partners.

A Leading Employment Agency

A former program of Dress for Success, Success Works Partners is a registered not-for-profit social enterprise. We unlock the potential of women with a criminal record through our mentoring program, one-to-one support, and job readiness workshops. We also work with employers to help them address structural issues that create barriers to women finding employment. Through this model, we provide opportunities for women with a criminal record to access sustainable employment and transform their lives. All of our staff who work directly with candidates have lived-experience of the justice system.

If you are a woman with a criminal record seeking employment, we can help you. Contact us today.

How We Help

Mentoring Program

Our mentoring program connects candidates with a trained mentor to build their confidence.

Job Readiness

Our job readiness workshops empower women to present themselves to an employer who sees their skills and potential and not their record.

Employer Engagement

We create employment opportunities for women affected by the criminal justice system by building relationships with trusted employer partners.

Employer Training

We provide resources and training to employers to increase their understanding of this area and enable them to open up their recruitment practices to candidates with a criminal record.


We advocate for change with the public and decision makers to stop discrimination in employment against those impacted by the criminal justice system. 


We partner with donors and funders who see the whole woman and not her criminal record. Success Works Partners is a registered not-for-profit with DGR (deductible gift recipient) status.

Our Theory of Change

Access to meaningful paid employment is a human right and is essential to breaking the cycle of disadvantage as well as reducing reoffending (recidivism) rates. We break down the barriers to employment for women with a criminal record through employer engagement, training and advocating for change.

Be A Part Of The Success

Register as a candidate

Is a criminal record stopping you finding a job? Let us help you!

Have a role you need to fill?
Become an employer partner

We can provide you with successful and valued members of staff.

Want to give-back?
Become a volunteer mentor

Help build a candidate’s confidence by sharing your experience.


women onboarded

Since becoming a social enterprise we have onboarded 264 women and placed 115 women into employment.

What They Say About Us

We exist to create meaningful connections between employers and candidates.

This organisation is really about helping women get back on their feet and helping them get employment generally. I just thought it was a miracle that you could book appointments and workshops and I’m just like, “oh my God somebody that I can talk to”. So I emailed straight away and I got an email back within two hours.

Success Works Candidate

They gave me just so much hope that I could get through this. I was feeling pretty suicidal before all of this. I’d ruined my life. In every way, I’d destroyed everything that I had worked for. My career, everything. It was the first time I actually felt I can get through this and there’ll be some help there and it’s help with just that non-judgement.

Success Works Candidate

Having staff that have come out of the system is brilliant. You need to have somebody that you identify with. That was the thing that made me actually just really buck up and go okay, I can do this because knowing other people have done it. Success Works without that I wouldn’t be thinking like this. I would be under the blanket. I could barely get out of bed each day.

Success Works Candidate

I thought they know how I feel and that gave me the confidence to actually apply for jobs. I would have put it off until the bracelet (electronic ankle tag) came off, and then I would have been out six months and then I think my confidence would have got worse, and it would have been a bigger step to climb. So, I think for me, that whole Success Works program… that gave me the confidence.

Success Works Candidate

I am doing everything I can to move on. These barriers keep popping up and won’t allow me to move on.

Success Works Candidate

For me, the Success Works program was the first glimmer of hope where I felt I could talk to someone who understood how I was feeling and where I was at in my head. Because I didn’t know how to ask people, what are the barriers? You get a cold sentence and some guidelines from your probation officer, but that’s the justice system, they want to punish you as much as they can.

Success Works Candidate

We hear from the candidates in their own words. We look at the whole person, not just their history, and make a judgement call based on that. A lot of the cases we have had have been due to some intimate partner and domestic violence situations. To be able to give those women a new beginning and a chance to reclaim their lives and their independence is a great thing. The way Success Works enables companies like Winc to be able to support these women throughout this journey is just fantastic.

Hayley Scott, Head of Social Impact for Winc

I think going to Success Works gave me the confidence. If it hadn’t been for the fact that I thought they know how I feel and giving me the confidence to actually apply for jobs, I would have put it off until the bracelet (electronic ankle tag) came off, and then I would have been out for six months and then I think my confidence would have got worse, and it would have been a bigger step to climb. So I think for me, the whole Success Works program, that gave me the confidence.

Success Works Candidate

My mentor helped me a lot these past few weeks and dedicated one hour every week with me over teams. She was also available to speak with me any time I needed advice. Her advice was very solid, helpful and genuine. I just found a full time admin role and I wanted to thank you all for mentoring and supporting me these past few months. What you have taught me is invaluable and I cannot express my gratitude enough. I got so much out of the workshops and mock interviews. Thank you Success Works for motivating me and inspiring me to keep moving forward.

Jade, Success Works Candidate

Your Potential, Not Your Record      Your Potential, Not Your Record      Your Potential, Not Your Record      Your Potential, Not Your Record      Your Potential, Not Your Record      Your Potential, Not Your Record      Your Potential, Not Your Record      Your Potential, Not Your Record      Your Potential, Not Your Record      

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