Natascha Consigli has recently joined Success Works Partners as our new Employment and Training Program Coordinator. Find out more about more about our newest team member who’ll be supporting our candidates as they seek employment and further training opportunities.
What’s been your working background?
“I am a woman with lived experience of the criminal justice system, recovery and DV. My darkest hours have become my greatest strengths, with some hard work looking inwards I have turned my life around. I hold a Diploma of Counselling, experience in Customer Service and Management in various industries’.
What attracted you to working for Success Works?
“Going to Prison seeing the cycle most of the women are stuck in the generational trauma the violence and the limited assistance there is for change. This made me want to create change in some way so when the role with Success Works came up that was where I was meant to be I felt”.
What do you love doing outside of work?
“I make jewellery it’s my creative outlet. I love the beach it’s my safe place and I have a daily practice of meditation yoga and exercise. I use self-reflection for continued self-development, and I volunteer with Lifeline South Coast. I practice gratitude daily and understand that each day I have a choice to choose differently”.
Why do you think the work the organisation is doing matters?
“I recognise and understand from my own experience the important role that employment plays in reducing recidivism and in helping women feel empowered to find purpose and direction in their lives. Which is part of creating lasting change”.
How do you think your previous experience in life and work will support our growth?
“My lived experience brings understanding and empathy, enabling me to offer effective support and advocacy for others in similar situations. My management and customer service background allow me to understand business, my experience of walking in “both worlds” gives me the ability to help change the way business thinks about criminal records”.
Why do you think businesses and individuals should support Success Works and partner with us?
“Women with a criminal history who are showing up doing the work in all areas of their lives, who have the skills and the knowledge for the position may in fact be an ideal employee who bring value to your organisation.
Everyone has baggage, there is no such thing as the perfect person who doesn’t have or may face some challenges in being a productive employee. Looking beyond the record to our Candidates potential, knowing that our program ensures they are employment ready, suitable for the position and we will support both parties through the process.
Getting involved in reducing recidivism, showing the community that as a business you are working towards an inclusive society where we care for each other and say, “There’s always opportunity for those of us who own their shortcomings put in the work and reinvent themselves.”
To be involved in creating those opportunities, opening your community to inclusion and acceptance, reducing recidivism allowing families to come together and changing the course of just one person’s life, by changing the way you think, tell me who wouldn’t want to be involved?”
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